HPSA Information
J-1 Visa Waiver Information
Loan Repayment Information
The Ohio Department of Health has a loan repayment program available to primary care physicians working within the state. The goal of the loan program is to provide financial assistance to those providers wanting to work in underserved areas so all Ohioans, regardless of ability to pay, have access to basic healthcare services.
Eligible applicants are those who have practiced in Ohio for less than 3 years, or, are in the final year of residency and are interested in working with underserved populations. Practice locations must be in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) or former HPSA.
The OPLRP/SLRP can provide up to $20,000 per year in loan repayment. The initial contract, for those selected, is a 2-year minimum. The agreement can be extended for two additional one-year contracts, thus making the total loan repayment up to $80,000.
Contracts are awarded in the summer. Applications are always due the previous December 10th.
For more information about this program, send an email to [email protected]
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