Welcome to Medical Opportunities in Ohio (MOO)
MOO is a nonprofit physician career system developed through a collaborative effort of the Ohio Hospital Association, Ohio State Medical Association, and the Ohio Osteopathic Association. Through this centralized, statewide approach MOO provides access to a wide variety of Ohio career opportunities for physicians, while assisting Ohio physician employers in finding the right provider fit for their communities.
Browse the site by region or employer, and directly communicate your interest in opportunities with Ohio hospitals, health systems, and physician practices. We are certain you will find MOO to be confidential, friendly, fast and a key resource in your quest for the Ohio practice opportunity that is right for you.
Please call 1-800-479-1MOO if you have questions or would like direct personal assistance.
Our sincere wish for your continued career success.
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68544 | Candidate-Employer Matches |
767 | Physician Opportunities |
33 | Other Opportunities |
929 | Active Registered Candidates |
MOO is part of a regional physician recruiting system currently servicing Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Indiana. These statistics include all four states.